Minnesota Frozen Lake Engagement Photos // Lis & Rob
January 09, 2016
John Lennon once wrote, "There's nowhere you can be that isn't where you were meant to be..."
These two have a story that sums that up quite well. Lis & Rob met on the steps of her apartment as Lis was waiting for her friend to pick her up. She stopped him in his tracks on the way to the door and he took the chance to speak to the beautiful girl on the front steps. As the minutes passed and Lis' friend cancelled on her, the conversation kept flowing. Before they parted ways on that step that night, they had scheduled their first date!
Lis is one of the most skilled artists I know. Rob is the foreman for his pipe-fitting crew. Those might seem like complete opposites but the truth is, both of them work consistently and deliberately with their hands. Both of them build and create and come home with their fingers covered in the marks of their professions. That's how they are around each other, consistent and deliberate and intimately connected to the importance of building and creating together.
So as they held each others' well-worked hands in the snow and across the ice, it wasn't just for warmth, it was also habitual, both immediate and sustaining. The only difference in their hands now, is the space made for Lis' vintage 1930s engagement ring.
I think that birch trees in winter may be some of my favorite things in the whole wide world.